Tag: Liebster Award

25 mars 2013

Hello lovelies, hope you've  had a great day

A couple of days ago I was tagged by the beatiful  NESRINE ,a new Tunisian blogger , she 's just created her blog a couple of weeks ago  and I recommend you to check it out "my life style journey by me"  Thank you so much dear for the tag , I was deeply touched & honored. 

The Liebster blog tag is apparently a way for bloggers with less followers; to meet new people & gain more ones. So the chosen nominees have to: 

How to : DO IT YOURSELF (DIY) CD & DVD Palette

13 mars 2013
Hey lovelies , hope you are doing great and having a great evening. Today I feel like writing in English and I'd like to share with you some DIY cool stuff :))

As you can tell from my latest post, I am a obsessed with organisation and I hate having loads of single eyeshadows and small palettes all over my drawers, plus it's quite an annoyance to carry around numerous single eyeshadow pots whenever I travel.

So DEPOTTING is the solution !! It's an easy way to condense my collection like professional makeup artists. I take the product out of the original container or packaging and put it into a single palette.  It saves me loaaaaaaaads of  space and allows me to further organize my collection .Result : a better storage, portability and organization.

But the thing is, we do not all have the chance to have neither a Z palette, a Makeup forever nor a MAC one, either because they're not available in Tunisia or expensive. This is why I'm going to show you a more affordable way of doing it using your CD or DVD cover ;)
mac palette

Mon Rangement Makeup

10 mars 2013
bonjouuuuuuuuuuuur mes belles , j'espère que vous passez un excellent dimanche ensoleillé :)

J'ai envie de vous parler aujourd'hui de mes idées de rangement makeup & beauty products et vous montrer comment je gère mon espace de travail, espérant que ceci vous aidera à mieux gérer le votre . Franchement je n'ai pas trouvé mieux que les ranges couverts pour me sauver la peau et garder mon petit coin rangé et bien organisé. J'ai donc pris celui-ci, authentique et très original, fabriqué en bois!!  j'ai aimé sa matière & sa couleur et surtout son prix, 6dn seulement :)) 
Mais, malheureusement, il n'a pas pu rentrer dans aucuns de mes tiroirs, je l'ai donc transformé en porte vernis & produits cosméto!!

1- Rangement produits cosmétiques: